Dr. Ashique Ahmed Bhuiyan


Dr. Ashique Ahmed Bhuiyan

Dr. Ashique Ahmed Bhuiyan

Consultant Details

Associate Professor
MBBS, MD(Hepatology)
Phone No.

Short Biography:

Dr. Ashique Ahmed Bhuiyan has been working as an Associate Professor of Hepatology & Gastroenterology, in the Department of Medicine in Universal Medical College since March 2019. He is an extremely competent physician, who is exceedingly empathetic towards his patients. He is well known for his excellent counselling and patient centered care approach. Currently his work encompasses consultation in Hepatology & Gastroenterology outpatient department, inpatient department, ICU, HDU and CCU for relevant patient, performing routine & emergency endoscopic procedures, taking lecture & clinical class of undergraduate medical students. He passed MBBS from Chittagong Medical College, in 2011. After completing his internship he worked as an honorary medical officer in the department of medicine in Shahid Suhrawardi Medical College for one year. After that he joined Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University as a resident in the department of Hepatology. He completed his MD in Hepatology in 2019 in the shortest possible time. To date he has performed more than 2000 Upper GI Endoscopies, around 50 endoscopic variceal ligations, around 50 gastric polypectomies, more than 50 percutaneous liver biopsies, more than 40 percutaneous liver abscess drainage, more than 80 fine needle aspiration from hepatic space occupying lesions and around 500 colonoscopies. He takes special interest in the concept of Continuing-Medical-Education. He has done several presentations on gastrointestinal & liver diseases and their recent updated management during his tenure in here. His aim is to further enrich the Hepatology and Gastrenterology department of UMCH, while being only dedicated to the patients’ wellbeing

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Universal Medical College & Hospital Ltd.
74G/75, New Airport Road (Beside Mohakhali Flyover), Mohakhali (Opposite of RAOWA) Dhaka 1215

Working Hours

24 Hours 365 Days
0: Closed

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Notes submitted to the Attendance Office must include following:

  • Bring your previous medical record.
  • If you have no email address, use demo@umchltd.com as your email address.

Schedule for this week

The following is for guidance only to help you plan your appointment with a preferred doctor.

Dr. Ashique Ahmed Bhuiyan
Associate Professor
08:30 - 14:00
Dr. Ashique Ahmed Bhuiyan
Associate Professor
08:30 - 14:00
Dr. Ashique Ahmed Bhuiyan
Associate Professor
08:30 - 14:00
Dr. Ashique Ahmed Bhuiyan
Associate Professor
08:30 - 14:30

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